Man in wheelchair


If you have an ongoing medical condition, you likely have frequent hospital visits. In preparation for these appointments, it's crucial to pack a hospital appointment bag with items that will help you feel more comfortable and prepared.

Here are some items that you should include in your hospital appointment bag:

Mobile phone and charger: Your mobile phone is an essential tool for taking notes, recording conversations with your healthcare provider, and staying in touch with loved ones. Having a charger on hand will ensure that your phone stays charged throughout your visit.

Lip balm: Hospitals are known for their dry air, which can lead to chapped lips. Having a good lip balm on hand will keep your lips hydrated and provide you with a simple, normal task to focus on if you're feeling nervous.

Toothbrush and spare underwear: These may seem like small items, but having them on hand can make a big difference in your comfort level during your visit. Even if you're only planning on not staying over there are times when you are caught off guard and doctors insist you stay and having your toothbrush and spare underwear will help you maintain a sense of routine and cleanliness.

Something to keep you occupied: Waiting for appointments can be boring and stressful. Bringing a crossword book, reading book, or knitting supplies can provide you with a distraction and help pass the time.

Portable seat protector: Waiting for appointments often means sitting in uncomfortable chairs for long periods. A portable seat protector, like the Brolly Sheets Chair Pad, can provide you with extra comfort and hygiene during your visit.

Headphones: Hospitals are noisy places, and having a pair of headphones can help you tune out the noise and relax. Listening to music, audiobooks, or podcasts can be a great way to distract yourself and stay calm.

Water bottle: Staying hydrated is important, especially during stressful times. Bringing a water bottle will ensure that you have access to water throughout your visit.

Snacks: Hospital food can be bland or unappetizing, and you may not have access to food during your appointment. Packing a few snacks, such as granola bars, fruit, or crackers, can provide you with a quick and easy source of sustenance.

Comfortable clothes: Hospitals can be cold, and you may be sitting or lying down for extended periods. Wearing comfortable clothes, such as sweatpants or a loose-fitting shirt, can help you feel more relaxed and at ease.

Personal hygiene products: While hospitals do provide basic hygiene products, such as soap and shampoo, you may prefer to use your own. Packing travel-sized toiletries, such as toothpaste and body wash, can help you feel cleaner and more refreshed during your visit.

Important documents: If you're visiting a new hospital or healthcare provider, it's a good idea to bring important documents, such as your medical history, and list of medications. This will ensure that your healthcare provider has all the necessary information to provide you with the best care possible.

Comfort items: If you have a favourite stuffed animal, pillow, or another comfort item, consider bringing it with you. These items can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort during an otherwise stressful time.

A final tip to consider when packing for a hospital appointment is to choose unscented products whenever possible. Our sense of smell is closely tied to memory, and strong smells in a hospital setting can trigger negative associations and memories. By using unscented products, you can minimize this risk and make your hospital visit more comfortable and less stressful.

It’s important to remember why packing a hospital appointment bag is essential. By having these items on hand, you can feel more prepared and in control during your visit. Hospital appointments can be stressful and overwhelming, and having a well-packed bag can help ease some of that anxiety. is a registered NDIS provider.

We are proud to announce, as a registered NDIS Continence Aids Provider, that our incontinence products can accessed through the Consumables budget in your NDIS plan.

You can place an order (GST Free) on our website,; via telephone (1800 809 847) or via email to

Our range of incontinence products include absorbent underwear, waterproof; bedding, lift chair and regular chair protection, bibs and bandanas.

For more information on the NDIS and whether you or your loved one may be eligible for support please visit the Federal Government’s NDIS Website



NDIS Provider Number: 4050015980 (Brolly Sheets Ltd)


Australia: 1800 809 847
