There are many causes of night incontinence in adults. Despite this, people still don’t realise how common this health issue is. Night incontinence can be caused by anything from recent surgeries to stress, or just general nocturia (increased urine production at night).

Fortunately for those dealing with nighttime incontinence, managing it isn’t such a difficult task; it just takes some getting used to! To help you sleep better throughout the night, we share some tips for your nighttime routine and effective products, such as our waterproof sheets, to help you stay dry at night.

Restrict Liquids

If you find yourself wetting the bed or constantly getting up throughout the night to use the toilet, the best place to start is restricting liquids. If you have a glass of water before bed, try to consume it a few hours earlier, urinate before bed, and see if you can make it through the night!

Aside from restricting how close to bedtime you have a drink, be mindful of what you’re drinking. Alcohol, soft drinks, and caffeinated beverages are crucial to avoid at night, as these fluids can increase the need to use the bathroom, adding to the difficulty of getting a full nights’ rest. Limiting your intake of liquids at night can help ease the stress on your bladder through the night and prevent any accidents that pop up.

Speak to Your Doctor

If issues with nocturia and bedwetting are disrupting your sleep, it’s important to speak to your doctor. This can give some more insight into what may be going on in your body and whether there are any underlying medical or psychological issues that could potentially be the cause.

Though night incontinence in adults is common, it’s essential to rule out potential health issues as the cause. With more insight from your doctor, you can begin to figure out the best solutions for you. There’s no such thing as a cure and no way to get rid of it entirely, but there’s an extensive range of products, medicines, and techniques that can assist those living with incontinence to make the nighttime easier.

Find the Appropriate Products to Help

The constant developments in the design and innovation behind incontinence products have made it easier than ever to deal with middle-of-the-night accidents. Independently You stocks everything from waterproof sheets to car and chair pads, providing those dealing with incontinence an easy way to manage any accidents they experience.

Using the right products in your bed can help to minimise the leakage of any accidents, protecting your mattress, pillow, and the rest of your bedding. Our waterproof doona protectors will keep your doona dry and free of stains. The doona cover is so soft, it’s as comfortable as it is protective, giving you confidence that you’ll be sleeping in a comfortable, hygienic space. Using a doona protector with a waterproof flat sheet will maximise protection while keeping you cozy!

A waterproof fitted sheet beneath your regular sheets and a set of flat waterproof sheets on top can save you the stress of dealing with a damp mattress. They’re soft, waterproof, and absorbent, preventing bacteria, dust mites, and mould from breeding in your bedding. If a nighttime accident happens, it’s no big deal, our bedding, such as our waterproof doona protectors, are safe to throw in the washer and dryer, with the double layers preventing.

Stick to a Routine

One of the easiest ways to manage anything is to have a clear and consistent routine. This should include your last glass of water, 2 to 3 hours ahead of bedtime, making your bed with any products to assist incontinence, and applying these to your usual bedtime routine. Doing the same thing every night can help your body get into better habits, helping you make it through the night without accidents.

Skip out on watching television right before bed. Instead, read a book, take some time to unwind, and allow your body to relax. Keeping yourself in a calm state before sleep is the best way to get your body the rest it needs. A full, uninterrupted sleep, is key to living a full life, adjusting your routine to accommodate can make all the difference.

Sleep Confidently Through the Night

Independently You aims to help adults manage incontinence and find the right products and resources to do so. Browse the full range of continence products online today and stay dry through the night.
